Resources to take your PFD Clinical Skills to the Next Level

Pediatric Feeding Mentorship Group
Assessment through Intervention
More than a course. It's a community.
Mentorship and support for professionals, graduate students, or CFs on pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders.
2025 Course Dates Coming Soon!

What's included in the PFMG?
Live Sessions
Private Community
There is an option for extended access to pre-recorded modules, including updates to the course and handouts AND monthly live calls after course completion?! This means ongoing mentorship and support for your caseloads & learning. Gain access through the PFMG Membership - only available to past participants!
Course Outline
Week 1
PFMG Intro & Course Overview: 13 minutes
What is a Pediatric Feeding Disorder?: 19 minutes
Assessment: 45 minutes
- Overview of pediatric feeding disorder & domains
- What to include in an evaluation
- Functional oral motor examination
- Cranial nerves involved with feeding and swallowing
Practice Videos
- Call to Action: 7.5 minutes
- Different Types of Mastication Practice: 4.5 minutes
- Bonus Videos! Context Specific Oral Motor & Practice Oral Motor Exam: 15 minutes
- Comprehensive Dysphagia Assessment Tool
- Functional OME Template and Sample
- Cranial Nerves Resource
- Sample Evaluation Reports - Breastfeeding, Autism, & Cerebral Palsy
Live Session: 75 minutes
Week 2
Signs/Symptoms & Referrals: 40 minutes
- Signs/Symptoms for referrals to the following disciplines: allergist, cardiologist, craniofacial team, ENT/otolaryngologist, dentist, orthodontist, orofacial myologist, endocrinologist, dietitian, gastroenterologist, geneticist, lactation consultant, neurologist, pulmonologist, PCP, OT, PT, developmental pediatrician, psychologist, counselor, social worker
- Common related diagnoses associated with feeding and/or swallowing difficulties
How to Network & Build a Team: 9.5 minutes
Case Studies: 7 minutes
- Signs and Symptoms and Referrals
- Common Related Diagnoses
- Sample Referrals & Cover Sheet
Live Session: 75 minutes
Week 3
Intervention Overview & Responsive Feeding: 18 minutes
Experience-Dependent Neuroplasticity, Motor Learning, & Interdisciplinary Collaboration: 25 minutes
Social Determinants of Health: 26 minutes
Aspiration in Pediatrics & Interventions: 33 minutes
- How to manage/treat, including, but not limited to: thickeners, nipple flow rates, positioning, & systematic weaning protocol
IDDSI: 18 minutes
- International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) overview
Practice Videos: 7 minutes
- Call to Action & Practice Identifying Intervention Philosophies in Action
- Thickener Guide: Considerations and Contraindications
- Intervention Philosophies
- Bottle weaning
- Formula types
- Bottle nipple flow rates
Live Session: 75 minutes
Week 4
Starting Solids: 17 minutes
Intervention Strategies: 25 minutes
- how to teach chewing
- straw and open cup drinking
- adaptive equipment
Tube Weaning: 13 minutes
Goal Writing: 5 minutes
Case Studies Module: 20 minutes
- 10 case studies to practice application of knowledge & skills
- Adaptive seating
- Starting solids tips
- Tube feeding/weaning
- Goal writing tips
- Goal bank
Live Session: 75 minutes

2024 Live Call Schedules
If you plan to sign up for the PFMG, make sure to mark these dates on your calendar for the live video sessions with Bri - Q&A, case studies, research reviews, and so much more!
2025 Enrollment Coming Soon!!
Get Course Updates
"The information provided came in digestible chunks week to week for someone like me with little experience. I felt I was able to retain a lot of the information, and now have some great reference material for the future."
-Past PFMG Participant
"I loved the small groups and the weekly Zoom calls. I've taken numerous pediatric feeding courses in the past but was overwhelmed by information and had a difficult time pertaining it to my caseload. This mentorship program was perfect. It broke down all of the knowledge week by week and I was able to go at my pace (especially while working full-time). I highly suggest this to anyone who wants to increase their competency in pediatric feeding."
-Past PFMG Participant
"I would recommend this course to anyone who would like to learn more about PFDs and the application of how to go about treating them. I feel. so motivated to go out there and be a part of a team that helps all the littles struggling with meal times. I feel more empowered to apply my knowledge. For context, I took a very popular feeding seminar and felt like I didn't even know where to begin after taking those full days of continuing education. I have really enjoyed the video calls and feeling like I have a group that I can reach out to in the future."
-Past PFMG Participant

Additional Course Information
Learner Outcomes
What to Expect After Signing Up
How to Earn ASHA CEUs
Target Audience
Refund and Grievance Policies